
¿Te apasiona el marketing? 

Entonces no te pierdas el, donde encontrarás notas interesantes, útiles y actualizadas sobre marketing digital, redes sociales, SEO, publicidad y mucho má.

Customer loyalty

In this post, we will explain why customer loyalty is important, what benefits it brings to your business and what actions you can implement to achieve it. Keep reading and discover how to build customer loyalty!

Apply discounts effectively

Discounts are a way to attract customers, increase sales and retain your audience. But it is not enough to offer discounts without criteria, you have to know when, how and to whom to do it.

Timeless Content Strategy

A timeless content strategy is one that is based on topics, formats and channels that do not lose validity over time. That is, they do not depend on trends, fashions or ephemeral events that may become obsolete or irrelevant in a short time.

The most precise automation and segmentation tools

Do you want to improve your digital marketing strategy? Then you need to know the best automation and segmentation tools that will help you optimize your campaigns and reach your target audience. In this post we present some of the most precise and effective ones on the market.

Rise of AI-powered marketing

One of the areas where AI has had a notable impact is marketing. Companies are taking advantage of the capabilities of AI to improve their marketing strategies and obtain more effective results.

What is Christmas marketing and what strategies does it use?

Christmas marketing is a strategy used by companies to take advantage of the Christmas season and promote their products or services effectively.